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Norwegian Klezmer

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Tor-Petter Aanes - piano, vocals
Morten Michelsen - clarinet, bass clarinet
Jovan Pavlovic - accordion
Jo Skaansar - bass
Stig Rennestraum - drums
Virtuosity, joy of playing and creativity are words used to describe Urban Tunélls Klezmer Band’s music.
Since its inception, Urban Tunélls Klezmer Band has focused on playing klezmer music, Jewish folk music from Eastern Europe, in an innovative and untraditional way. Grounded in a respect for tradition, they bring the music to the present through improvisation, creative arrangements, impulses from other styles - and not least through virtuosity, humor and connecting with the audiences. The band has released three albums and held concerts in Norway, many European countries, and the United States.
Overskudd, virtuositet, spilleglede og kreativitet er uttrykk som går igjen i flere konsert -og plateanmeldelser.
Helt siden starten har Urban Tunélls Klezmerband fokusert på å formidle klezmermusikk, jødisk folkemusikk fra øst-Europa, på innovativt og utradisjonelt vis. Med grunnleggende respekt for tradisjonen bringer de musikken inn i vår samtid gjennom improvisasjon, kreative arrangementer, impulser fra andre stilarter -og ikke minst gjennom virtuositet, humor og formidlingsevne. Bandet har gitt ut tre plater og holdt konserter i Norge, mange europeiske land og USA.
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